rental room(desk)

Previously, I had been lazy for a while recently and I attempted to rent a room to study hard (in this article ).

On last Friday, I went to the rental room to check the conditions and make a contract.

I will start to use the space from next Monday. On the day, I will depature from my home earlier than before and study English at the space before my work.

When I confirmed the conditions, most users put many texts on the shelves at their spaces.

Seeing the scene, I felt their passion to their objective and I must learn and imitate their severe attitudes.

From the Monday, I will study English more intensively and spend more time in the new space.

I will force my wife to endure lack of time with me.

When I achieve my short and long goals, I will spend special time with her.

Dealing with preparetion of applications, I often feel many expectations from others.

I appreciate the expectations and I want to avoid betraying them.

カテゴリー: お勉強 パーマリンク


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