Happy New Year and Resolution

Happy New Year!!ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

I am very pleasure to celebrate this new year with you.

Reminding the last year of 2010, many things come to my mind.

I started some things including preparing for application to MBA courses such as IELTS (I got only OA6.0・・・).

In addition, I obtained new acquaintances as cohorts trying to apply for MBA through internet.

I thank some aggressive friends for planing the closing year party with MBA challenging cohorts.

I also appriciate internet instruments including Twitter,Facebook and blogs to bind us.

Coming fall, I shall apply to some MBA courses so I need to obtain enough score of IELTS and GMAT to apply the business schools which I want to enroll.

For the goal. I shall study English more intensively than 2010 and control my time and schedule well.

In January, I will take (4th) IELTS and target OA 7.0.

I am not good at listening and speaking sections, so I must consider to improve these skills.

It will be very difficult for me to enhance the skills but I believe that I can overcome and achieve the objective score.

To my short-term goal, there are many hardles and big stonewalls but I expect myself to write "I could overcome all of my hardles" on the same day in the next year with good status(if possible, I want to hold some offers).

Dear readers and folllowers, I ask all of you to get along with me to the future.

Thank you!!

カテゴリー: その他生活等関連 パーマリンク


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